The II CertiDigital Conference “The customer journey of university digital credentials” will be held on November 24 and 25 in Albacete

October 28, 2022

The CertiDigital project’s face-to-face sessions are a key space for the meeting, exchange and active collaboration between the different professional profiles of the 23 partner universities. The scheduled sessions allow to deepen the theoretical frameworks and technologies involved, as well as to align visions, strategies and actions around the common objectives of the project.

The University of Castilla-La Mancha, through the Vice-Rectorate for Digital Transformation and Strategy, is organizing the 2nd CertiDigital Conference “The University Digital Credential Customer Journey”, which will take place on November 24 and 25 at its Albacete campus. The event will be an important boost to the understanding of the CertiDigital project and its impact on the educational, organizational and technological processes inherent to the operation of our universities.


  • Align visions, strategies and actions to realize the first university credential issuances by the end of the 2022/23 academic year.
  • Understand and prepare to address the EDC/Europass digital university credential customer journey.
  • To deepen in concepts and practices related to EDC credential design.
  • Promote and facilitate reflection, active participation and a culture of collaboration between the participating universities and their respective work teams.


Thursday, November 24, 2022

11.00 Registration of participants.

11.30 Welcome to the II CertiDigital Conference in Albacete. The macro organization and the status of the CertiDigital project.
Ismael García Varea, Vice Chancellor of Transformation and Digital Strategy of the University of Castilla La Mancha.
Carlos Delgado Kloos, Vice Rector of Strategy and Digital Education at the University Carlos III of Madrid.
12.00 The EDC/Europass digital university credential customer journey.
Andrés Prado Domínguez, Director of the Technology and Communications Area at the University of Castilla La Mancha.

13.00 The ELM (European Learning Model) data model and its link with competency frameworks.
Carmen L. Padrón, Research and Development Associate at Knowledge Innovation Centre.

14.00 Lunch break.

16.00 Practical workshop in working groups: Designing our credentials with EDC Online Credential Builder.
Aula 1: Lluís Ariño, Director of the IT Resources Service at Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
Aula 2: Antonio Ruiz Martínez,  Coordinator of Information Technologies at the University of Murcia.

17.30 Coffee break.

18.00 Presentation and exchange of conclusions of the work in groups.

18.45 Closing of the 2nd Day by the Coordination Committee of CertiDigital.

19.00 End of the 1st Day.

Friday, November 25th, 2022

9.30 Greetings to the II CertiDigital Conference in Albacete.
José Julián Garde López-Brea, Rector at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Tomás Mayoral, Deputy Director General of University Research Activity at the Ministry of Universities.

10.00 Panel discussion: The micro organization in CertiDigital: examples of internal dynamization of the project in different universities.
Moderator: Inés Bebea González, CertiDigital Project Manager at the University Carlos III of Madrid.
Miguel Pagola Barrio, Director of the Digital Transformation Area at the Public University of Navarra.
Julio García Mora, Vice Manager of Academic Coordination at the University of Alicante.
Iván Builes Victoria, Systems Analyst at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Director of the Postgraduate Development Unit at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Andrés Prado Domínguez, Director of the Technology and Communications Area at the University of Castilla La Mancha.

11:00 Coffee break.

11:30 Community forum: user exchange with Academic ERP providers.
Aula 1: Victoria Montenegro, Director of Implementations at SIGMA.
Raúl Biescas, Account Management Director at SIGMA.
Aula 2: Rafael Cimarra, UXXI-Academic Consultant.
Manuel Rivera, Director of Communication and Marketing UXXI.

13.00 Community forum: user exchange with HR ERP vendors.
Aula 2: Magdalena García, Team Leader of UXXI-Human Resources.
Manuel Rivera, Director of Communication and Marketing UXXI.

14:00 Closing of the 2nd Conference by the CertiDigital Coordination Committee.

14:15 End of the Conference.

Practical information

The conference will take place at the Albacete Campus of the University of Castilla-La Mancha:

Faculty of Computer Engineering

Assembly Hall and Classrooms 1.1 and 1.2, 1st Floor

University of Castilla La Mancha

Infante Don Juan Manuel Building

Avda. de España s/n

02071 – Albacete

Participation in this Conference is especially aimed at people with educational, administrative and technical-computing profiles of the use cases of digital credentials in the different partner universities of the CertiDigital project. Prior registration is required through the link sent by invitation.